Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me?

I wish someone would have told me that getting an education is a life long process.  I promise that I would have listened. My parents said that you go to school and get an education , explore, find your place and then you work, you create. They didn't tell me to get an education and then go apply it and then come back and get more education, etc...b/c if I don't, what I know will become worthless! I spent dollars I couldn't count, that weren't even mine to count, on a bachelors degree that seems pretty obsolete these days. I mean Marketing, what in the world does that mean these days?  Certainly not the same thing it meant between 1998-2003.  So how do I use what I learned then to make me a success today if I'm just now trying to use the degree that I earned?  Yes, yes, yes!  Go to B-school.  But will I be able to comprehend and compete when I get there? Certainly working in retail and being a massage therapist for the majority of my FIRST post-undergrad career has not prepped me to market in this global, web-driven society. So I find myself inheriting more debt to learn something that will be useful in this information/innovation age...that I will continuously desire to be educated on, and that will keep me out the unemployment line.

1 comment:

  1. @where I am....i so agree with you...;when i graduated high school in 1999...seems like forever ago....i went to a community college and got an ass. degree thinking that it would be enough! boy was i wrong and im not struggling, with work, family and going back to school to get a bachelors which these days is an equivalent to a high school diploma!
